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Minutes of MDCC Monthly Meeting – April 4, 2015 


The regular monthly meeting of the M.D.C.C. was held on April 4, 2015 at the “Coffee Loft” at 406 Lincoln Street in Marlborough, MA. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Tony Badman.


The minutes from the previous meeting were presented with reading waived by unanimous consent. Copies of minutes were distributed to attendees and approved. Leave was granted to conform the minutes as to spelling and grammar by unanimous consent.


No action having been taken at the February meeting as to the Treasurer’s report, the written summarization of the February report was memorialized in the March Minutes and approved by unanimous consent as submitted with one item (a pending expenditure which had not yet been formally presented) omitted as being presented “in futuro” and therefore not included. In the absence of the Treasurer from the April meeting no new treasurer’s report was presented.


Note was made that next meeting of the MDCC would be on May 2nd and the holding of the Ward Caucuses. These were confirmed with a start time of 9:00 at the Kane Elementary School on Farm Road.


With the vacancy of the Female Vice-chair having been held over from the business of the previous month the vacancy was again opened for nominations. Barbara Allen was placed in nomination and seconded with her consent and being present. Nominations were moved to be closed and seconded and were closed by unanimous consent. The sole nominee was elected unanimously.


At this time newly elected state Representative Carmine Gentile was presented. He gave a first-year legislator’s “on the ground” running view including committee assignments, legislation which he has proposed as well as those matters which he has cosponsored. He will have his aide submit a list of these items so that interest, where we as individuals or a committee are concerned, may be expressed. These have not yet been received and will be included in the next possible set on minutes.


Upon completion of Representative Gentile’s presentation the Chairman again made note of the upcoming Middlesex and Worcester Democratic Coalition breakfast; and submitted inquiry as to possible interest in attending.


The Chair also reported on the discussion of possible events for the year (as well as a preferential poll) from the Executive Committee’s meeting. These included activities such as:


  • A breakfast to be held at possibly the Masonic Lodge in conjunction with Heritage Day.

  • Participation in Marlborough’s “Heritage Days” which is understood to be a 3-day event this year ala “Octoberfest”.

  • Labor Day parade and follow up event such as a picnic-like reception or other, possibly at Rose’s or Kennedy’s.

  • Possible participation at a “Brady” table at a time & place t.b.a..


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned on motion and second, by unanimous consent.


Respectfully submitted

Kirk L. Hurley, Secretary

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