Marlborough Democratic City Committee (MDCC)
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Minutes of MDCC Monthly Meeting – March 2, 2015
The regular monthly meeting of the MDCC for March 2015 was held on March 2, 2015 at the “Coffee Loft” at 407 Lincoln St., Marlborough. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Alison Serrano promptly at 9:00 a.m.
Chr. Alison Serrano confirmed her resignation to the “Committee” with thanks for their support during her tenure. She cited insufficient time due to job requirements as the prime reason for her stepping down. She stated that those demands did not give her sufficient time to devote to the work which she felt the position required. She also noted a vacancy in the position of female vice-chairperson due to the relocation of Janet Rutan out of the Marlborough area. She then proceeded to call for the nominations for chair.
Tony Badman was nominated to be chair, seconded, and followed by a motion to close nominations, seconded. There being no discussion the nominations were closed by unanimous consent and Tony Badman was elected by acclamation. Tony Badman accepted the gavel stepping down as Secretary of the “Committee” and calling for nominations for the position.
Kirk Hurley was nominated and by unanimous consent the nominations were closed and Kirk was elected by acclamation. He accepted the election.
A brief discussion ensued as to the filling of the position of female vice-chair. After some discussion the consensus was reached without dissent to hold the position in abeyance until the next meeting.
No minutes from the previous meeting were proffered.
George LaVenture presented a brief oral treasurer’s report. A written copy is to be forwarded to the Secretary (received). The report is summarized as follows:
$1124.19 as of last report,
$ 32.34 paid to Anthony Badman for mailing expenses.
$ 100.00 in income received yet to be added in.
$ 0.09 in interest. has been paid in.
$1191.94 Current balance as of March 2 , 2015.
No motion was made nor a vote taken as to the acceptance of this report.
At this time the Chair made a brief statement as to his, hopes, expectations, and goals for the remainder of the term left for the current committee as a whole. It was noted that all were needed for the committee to succeed. A meeting was called by the chair for the executive committee with date, time, and location to be determined.
Following his comments the chair noted that a nominee was needed for the “Democracy in Action Award” to the outstanding Democrat in Marlborough for 2015. The Chair suggested Kirk Hurley for the honor; the floor was then opened for comment or other nominations. Following several comments Kirk’s selection was approved by acclamation.
Sue Kennedy of the M.&W. Committee was recognized and spoke briefly about the upcoming breakfast to be held on April 26. After some discussion a consensus was reached that the MDCC would “purchase” a table for 10 for the breakfast and tickets for the table to be sold.
The business portion of the meeting being concluded the floor was opened for the program portion. The Chair introduced first speaker, State Senator Jamie Eldridge. Senator Eldridge reviewed his committee appointments (see list below) as well as his priorities for the current legislative session. The floor was then opened for questions.
Senator Jamie Eldridge Committee Assignments
Joint Committee on Financial Services
Vice Chair
Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight
Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change
Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development
Joint Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture
At the conclusion of Senator Eldridge’s comments the chair introduced the second speaker, State Representative Danielle Gregoire. She too reviewed her committee assignments [see below], goals, and priorities. The floor was then opened for questions.
Representative Danielle Gregoire Committee Assignments
Vice Chair
Joint Committee on Education
Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
Joint Committee on Financial Services
Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities
Following the presentations there being no further business a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted
Kirk L. Hurley