Marlborough Democratic City Committee (MDCC)
Marlborough, Massachusetts
2016-12-03 Monthly Meeting
Saturday, December 3, 2016 9:00 to 11:00 AM
Marlborough Public Library (Bigelow Auditorium)
35 West Main Street
Marlborough, MA 01752
Bring Meeting to Order
Approval of November Minutes
Treasurer’s Report - George LaVenture
Committee Reports –
Holiday Party-Barbara Shapiro (income&expenses incurred)
Items for Agenda ?
Chairman’s Notes:
Standing Committees and Chairs:
Holiday Party Chair - Kirk Hurley, ex officio RulesChair
Heritage Days Chair - Dan Caruso
Labor Day Parade Chair -
Out Reach Committee (State Mandated) - BarbaraAllen will work w/our State Outreach Chair,Rosalind Baker
New Committees to Add:
Voter Registration -
Education - Dan Caruso and Michelle Hettinger
Publicity - Jayne Wilson
Membership - Barbara Allen, liaison to wardchairs
Programs (speakers) -
Projects (for MDCC awareness) -
Old Business
State Democratic Chair Election Result - Gus Bickford
Alice Wertheimer - Speaking on importance of additional Committees. Recommendation of a book by RobertReich that applies to our current political/economicsituation
New Business
Vote to Approve - Meet and greet your State Rep! Beginning with January Meeting Danielle Gregoire and Carmine Gentile have agreed to meet alternate months (Carmine begins with Jan mtg) to stay one hour following our meeting tospeak to their constituents.
Will offer opportunity to Jamie Eldridge and Nikki Tsongas.
Call to Adjourn
Minutes coming soon
Minutes (draft)
Officers: Kirk Hurley, Chair; Barbara Allen, Vice Chair; Dan Caruso, Vice Chair; Debbie Doucette, Secretary
Members: David Doucette, Alison Serano, Doug Pizza, Carmine Gentile, Joan Gregoire, Danielle Gregoire, Barbara Shapiro, Alice Wertheimer, Lee Hettinger, Peter LaPrade, Catherine Hendry
Call to order - Kirk Hurley
Meeting was called to order at 9:15 AM
Minutes of previous meeting (October 8, 2016)
Treasurer’s Report
The balance is currently $706.41. The full report is here (submitted by George LaVenture, Treasurer).
Officers Reports
Kirk asked the group if we should take a stand on the four state ballot questions and publish it before the election on November 8. The group responded with a negative vote.
Committee Reports
Holiday Party Committee Report
Up to $200 appropriated for the party
Elected officials will be invited by Kirk and others
Date: Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: Clubhouse, at the Villages at Crane Meadow, 7 Canterbury Way, Marlborough, MA
Functions were discussed. Responsibilities: Danielle Gregoire: beverages, Barbara Allen and Danielle: set up, Danielle and Debbie Doucette: cleanup, Barbara and Diane Stevens: food.
Suggested donation: $10
Donation of canned goods for Marlborough Food Pantry
Kirk Hurley will give a head count about a week beforeChristmas decorations will be provided by the condo association
Heritage Day Committee Report
Jeopardy game run by Kirk drew a big audience. Good idea.
Was a success in spite of the rain
Labor Day Parade Committee Report
Ice cream a success
Got quite a few registrations (number ???)
Old or Unfinished Business
December meeting on December 3, 2016 starting at 9:00 AM at the Marlborough Public Library, Bigelow Auditorium
New Business
Description of dealing with the Massachusetts State Committee - Kirk
We were not on their list because of an administrative problem - we were pending so we didn’t get turf lists for canvassing.
Problem is now solved (much time spent by Kirk)
Request to the City Clerk’s office to change process so that everyone on the ballot who were elected would be individually notified. - Kirk
City Clerk’s office agreed to do this.
Question: Will ward chairs and the City Committee Chairs be notified???
Budget and Calendar for next year
George, Debbie, and Kirk will work on this and have it ready by the February meeting
Report on the Election of officers for the Massachusetts State Committee - Sue Kennedy
The following are running for Chair: Steve Tompkins, Steve Kerrigan, and Gus Bickford
The election is on November 14, 2015 in Quincy, MA. (see Kate’s email)
There was a discussion of the candidates by Sue and Danielle.
A request was made to invite the new Chair to the Holiday Party.
There was a discussion that we need to be more active in communicating with the State Committee.
Sue spoke about how the members of the State Committee were elected by caucus or ballot.
Standing Committees for the MDCC
Sue Kennedy pointed out that there is a State-mandated Outreach Committee.
Comment that Rosalind Baker is our Chair. Barbara Allen said she’d participate and also do Membership
Kirk asked that there be at least the following three standing committees:
Holiday Party Committee
Labor Day Parade Committee
Heritage Day Committee
Alice asked that we get serious about other standing such as communication and infrastructure committees. Discussion of those deferred to the next meeting.
Kirk adjourned the meeting at 11:00 AM