Marlborough Democratic City Committee (MDCC)
Marlborough, Massachusetts
2016-09-03 Monthly Meeting
Saturday, September 3, 2016 9:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Marlborough Public Library (Story Book Room)
35 W. Main St., Marlborough, MA 01752
Call to Order
Minutes of Last Meeting
Treasurer's Report
Presentation about banner
Chairman's Notes
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business
Marlborough Democratic City Committee
September 3, 2016 Minutes – DRAFT
Members Present:
Kirk Hurley; Chair, Debbie Doucette, Secretary, Dan Caruso, George LaVenture, David Doucette, Alice Wertheimer, Danielle Gregoire, Joan Gregoire, Diane L. Stevens, Alison Serrano, Donna Scalcione
Call to Order:
Meeting called to order by Kirk Hurley at 9:14AM
Minutes for Meeting of Saturday, Sep. 6, 2016
Minutes accepted.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer’s report was distributed.
Our Democratic Banner presented by Alison Serrano. Everyone applauded. Dan Caruso will be the keeper of the banner.
October meeting date has been changed to Oct 8th in the Story Hour Room downstairs in the library at 9:15 AM
Committee Reports:
Labor Day Parade – Monday 9/5/16—Kirk Hurley
Checking on Trombetta’s Ice Cream
Voter Registration Forms
Who’s scooping? Diane, Barbara, Dan & Debbie
Mayor will make weather decision the morning of parade
Heritage Days – Sunday 10/2/16 -- Dan Caruso
Providing voting ballots for kids – Sue Kennedy
Total time needed to cover--- 10AM - 4PM; in 2 hour shifts.
12-2 PM Diane Stevens & Barbara Shapiro
10AM – 2PM Dave & Debbie Doucette—Set up
Holiday Party
Purpose; Fundraiser & collect for Food Bank
Date : Sunday after Thanksgiving, 11/27
Old Business:
Projects & Reports
Vote Builder connection received on September 2. More on this at next meeting.
Following up with Ward Leaders and Committee Members. Kirk will speak with City Clerk to obtain actual list of the elected ward officials and contact them.
Danielle Gregoire’s campaign is endorsed by the Metrowest Newspaper.
She requests help in door to door canvasing and mailings.
Danielle offered Hillary lawn signs for people at $5 ea.
Hillary Campaign house party gathering in Avalon community in Marlborough turned out to be a debacle. The main person heading the campaign for Hillary in this area never appeared with all the literature and event schedules. People were very disappointed. No follow-up or rescheduling
We will be receiving literature for Jamie Eldridge, Hillary and Danielle Gregoire for canvassing.
New Business
A bag of pens with the old website, “Marlboroughdems.org” printed on the side has been found and given to Dave Doucette to check out the old website and status of ownership. It would be nice to be able to give these out on Heritage Days.
Three Governor Council candidates were invited to come in to speak to us about their candidacy: Bill Humphrey, Peter Georgiou and Marilyn Devaney. Bill Humphrey was the only one to attend. He is a new candidate. Educated us on the responsibilities of the Governor Councilors. How they advise the Governor on the judges he appoints. There are 5 out of 7 new judges to pick next year by the Governor. This is a very important role. He was very informative.
Minutes prepared by Debbie Doucette, Secretary