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2016-05-07 Monthly  Meeting

Saturday, May 7, 2016 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The Coffee Loft, 406 Lincoln Street, Marlborough, MA 01752
















  • Call to Order

  • Chairman's Notes

  • Minutes

  • Treasurer's Report

  • Committee Reports:

    • Rules & Bylaws

    • Website & Communications

    • Labor Day Committee

    • Heritage Days Committee

    • Holiday Party Committee

  • Old Business

    • Discussion on MDCC banner

  • New Business

  • Adjourn



Members Present:


Kirk Hurley; Chair, George LaVenture, Treasurer, Debbie Doucette, Secretary, Dan Caruso, Donna Scalcione, Barbara Fenby, Barbara P. Allen (Pellegrini), David Doucette, Joan Gregoire, Alice Wertheimer, Danielle Gregoire, Beverly Waring, Barbara Shapiro, Diane L. Stevens and Alison Serrano


Call to Order: Kirk Hurley, Chair


Chairman’s Notes:


State Convention will be held in Lowell on June 4. Barbara Allen is not able to attend.  Donna Scalcione, our alternate delegate, will attend.


Kirk is continuing his work on the MDCC budget.


Rowe is working on coordinating a cookout after the Marlborough Labor Day parade


Governor Council; Kirk will proceed to present all candidates for Government Council.  Possibly set for 6/11/16 for the September Primary.


Kirk attended the Roosevelt Dinner.  Had an opportunity to speak to Joseph Kennedy. (?)

We need to invite Secretary of State, William F. Galvin to speak to our (City or Dem Committee).?


Treasurer’s Report:


Bank Balance for the following months:


Jan          $709.84

​​​Feb          $684.90​​​​​

​​​March      $684.95  

​​​April         $685.01


​Alice W. has an expense in hand for the website annual renewal, $49.


​Annual Dues:   $25 per member; have not yet been received

Committee Reports:


Rules & Bylaws: No meeting.  No business pending before the committee; no​report


Web-Site & Communications: Alice W. concerned with our Social Media​publicity such as Facebook.  Needs help in creating a media presence. Kirk took​this under advisement and will take it up in our next meeting.


Labor Day Committee:  ​      TBA

Heritage Days Committee:​  TBA

Holiday Party Committee:​   TBA


Old Business:


Discussion on Marlborough Democratic City Committee banner.  


​It will be free standing with grommets for easy hanging.

​Received the layout.  Have option of the following sizes:


​​2’ X 5’     =    $100

​​3’ X 5’     =    $150

​​3’ X 6’     =    $180


​Treasurer recommended the 2’ X 5’ size.


​Should we add the website on the banner—would need the banner to be larger.    ​


​Adding a QR code to the banner for alternative media connection. There was a​request for 2 proofs. One proof showing a QR code and one without.


A motion​ was held to add the QR code to banner: 8 Yes  -  5 No


​There was a 2nd motion to table the discussion on the banner till next meeting​when we will have a the proofs available . All members voted in favor of tabling ​the discussion until our next meeting.


New Business:


​Barbara Allen announced that State Rep Niki Tsongas will be attending an event​at the Marlborough Library later this afternoon. (May 7th)


​David Doucette wanted to remind everyone that the is scheduling a June​2nd meeting at the First Baptist Church in Marlborough. Jamie Eldridge will be​speaking.


​Dan Caruso informed us that Paul Farrell will be running for State Representative​against Danielle Gregoire.  


​Carmine Gentile is holding his “kick-off” campaign. It is being held at​Bullfinches in Sudbury, May 12th from 7-9 pm. Carmine has no opponent this​term.


Motion to Adjourn @ 9:53 AM: 


All in Favor---meeting adjourned



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